Home News All Victoria 3 Console Commands and Cheats

All Victoria 3 Console Commands and Cheats

Author : Nicholas Update : Mar 16,2025

All Victoria 3 Console Commands and Cheats

Building a nation in Victoria 3 is a complex undertaking, often requiring countless hours of strategic planning and careful management. However, for those seeking a more… expedited path to power, a collection of console commands and cheats offers a tantalizing alternative.

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Enabling Console Commands in Victoria 3:

  1. Launch Steam and locate Victoria 3 in your library.
  2. Right-click the game title and select "Properties."
  3. Navigate to the "General" tab and find the "Launch Options" field.
  4. Enter -debug_mode into the text box.
  5. Launch the game and press the "~" key to open the debug menu. Related: The Escapist’s Best Games of 2024

All Available Console Commands:

Activating the debug mode via the launch options grants access to a powerful array of console commands, transforming you into a virtual god within the game. From manipulating laws and annexing nations to influencing populations and accelerating construction, the possibilities are nearly limitless.

Console CommandDescription
helpLists all available console commands in *Victoria 3*.
annexAnnex a specific country.
annex_allAnnex all countries in the game.
create_pop_historyCreates a dump file (debug.log) containing complete population history.
change_lawModifies laws within a specific country.
fastbattleEnables or disables fast battle mode.
add_ideologyAdds an ideology to a chosen interest group.
fastbuildEnables or disables fast-build mode.
add_approvalIncreases approval rating with a selected group.
add_cloutIncreases clout rating with a selected group.
add_loyalistsIncreases the loyalist population in your country.
add_radicalsIncreases the radical population in your country.
add_relationsIncreases relations with a selected country.
yesmenForces all nations to agree to your proposals.
vsyncfEnables or disables main swapchains vsync.
textureviewerAllows viewing of game textures.
texturelistDisplays a list of game textures.
skip_migrationEnables or disables migration skipping.
update_employmentTransfers employees between buildings.
validate_employmentPrints unemployment statistics for a selected state.
create_country \[country definition\] \[country type\] \[culture\] \[state id\]Creates a new nation.
popstatDisplays the total active population count.
enable_aiEnables AI in the current game.
disable_aiDisables AI in the current game.
Application.ChangeResolutionChanges the game's resolution.
research (technology key)Grants a selected technology to your country.
set_devastation_levelSets the devastation level of a selected area.
wagerateChanges the wage of a selected building.
province bordersEnables or disables province borders in selected areas.
Log.ClearAllClears all logs in the current save file.
nosecessionEnables or disables the secession cheat.
norevolutionPrevents revolutions from occurring.
own (province id or state region tag) (country tag)Changes ownership of a selected region.
kill_character (name)Kills a selected character.
money (amount)Adds a specified amount of money.
ignore_government_supportIgnores government support.
ObserveToggles observation mode.
changestatepopModifies the population number of a specific group.
skip_migrationEnables or disables the skip_migration cheat.
date (yyyy.mm.dd.hh)Changes the current game date.

While these commands offer unparalleled control, it's recommended to avoid them during initial playthroughs to fully appreciate the game's inherent challenges. However, if you're seeking a more relaxed or experimental experience, utilizing these cheats can be a fun way to explore Victoria 3's mechanics.

Victoria 3 is available now on PC.