Stalker 2: Navigate Garbage's Car Maze for Journalist Stash
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In Stalker 2, Journalist Stashes are scattered across various regions on the map, with some areas boasting multiple stashes ripe for looting. One such stash, located in the Garbage Region, lies hidden within the Car Maze, a labyrinth of vehicles. This particular stash holds a powerful suit of armor, albeit in a challenging spot. But fear not, as this guide will provide you with a straightforward path to claim your reward.
How to Get the Garbage Journalist Cache in Maze
To secure the Journalist Stash within the Car Maze in Stalker 2, players should head northwest from the Slag Heap. While the maze has multiple entrances, the key is to use the main entrance, clearly marked on the map.
Once inside the Maze, veer right until you spot a burned-up bus lying on its side. Look to your left, and you'll see another bus with a distinctive blue exterior. Climb atop this blue bus, and you'll find the Maze Journalist Stash waiting for you. Descend on the other side and open the stash to claim the coveted Tourist Suit Body Armor.
Is the Tourist Suit Body Armor Any Good?
The Tourist Suit stands out as one of the premier early to mid-game body armors in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl. It provides solid protection against thermal, electrical, and chemical hazards. What sets it apart, however, are its exceptional radiation and physical protection capabilities, enabling players to endure higher levels of radiation and other damaging effects.
Beyond bolstering physical defenses, the suit enhances stamina regeneration by 5%, a crucial stat in Stalker 2 where constant travel on foot is the norm. Improved stamina and regeneration allow for longer journeys, making exploration more manageable.
While the Tourist Suit is impressive in its standard form, it can be further enhanced through upgrades. Although Lens at Zalissya cannot upgrade this armor, Diode at Slag Heap possesses the necessary expertise. He can equip the suit with high-quality mods, significantly boosting its performance and attributes.