Skich Enters the fray as a new alternative app store competitor
With Apple's ecosystem now more open than ever, a slew of new alternative app stores are vying to be the first successful alt app store on iOS. Enter Skich, a gaming-centric alt store that aims to rival platforms like Apptoide by prioritizing gaming over other types of apps.
Skich's main allure is its innovative discoverability system, which comprises three key features: a recommendation engine, a swipe-based discovery interface, and a social system. These components allow users to see what games their friends and others with similar tastes are playing, enhancing the user experience through personalized lists.
These features bear a resemblance to those found on Steam, which isn't necessarily a drawback. One notable shortfall of the Epic Games Store on iOS, carried over from its PC version, is the lack of robust social features and discoverability options that users of platforms like Steam and GOG have come to expect.
Big fish, small pond? Skich's emphasis on these core features is a strong selling point. However, the question remains: is it enough to make a significant impact? As I've noted previously, alternative app stores need to lure users away from their established preferences.
Epic Games Store uses free games as its main draw, while Apptoide's broader focus on various apps sets it apart. Skich's gamer-first approach certainly has potential, but its success is far from guaranteed.
Nevertheless, as larger publishers like EA and Flexion begin to prioritize alternative app stores, we might be witnessing the dawn of a new era where official app stores take a backseat to innovative newcomers from outside the traditional ecosystem.
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