A fan has completely recreated the Elden Ring in Excel
The project was uploaded by user brightyh360 to the r/excel forum on Reddit.
It took about 40 hours to create this miracle: 20 hours for coding and another 20 for testing and bug fixing. “I made the top view version of the Elden Ring in Excel using formulas, spreadsheets and VBA. It was a long project, but the result was worth it.”
The game created includes:
90,000-cell map;
60+ weapons;
50+ enemies;
a system of character and weapon upgrades;
three classes with different play styles (tank, mage, assassin);
25+ armor sets;
six NPCs with quests;
four different endings.
The game is completely free to play, but you'll need to use keyboard shortcuts to control it: CTRL + WASD for movement and CTRL + E for interaction. Reddit moderators have checked the file and confirmed its safety, but users are warned about the large number of macros in the file, which requires caution.
Fans of Elden Ring saw the Tree of Erd as a "Christmas tree" on Christmas Eve. According to User Independent-Design17, the Australian Christmas tree Nuytsia floribunda may have served as the model for the Erd Tree.
He discovered two trees, namely the Small Erd Trees in the game, that are in fact superficially identical. Fans, however, have observed more profound similarities. Catacombs are found at the roots of the Erd Tree, which is where the dead's souls are led in Elden Ring. In a similar vein, Australian Aboriginal culture views Nuytsia as a "spirit tree." Its vibrant coloration is linked to the sunset, which is thought to be where the spirits travel, and each of its flowering branches represents the soul of the departed.