Heim Nachricht Helldivers 2: Panzerpassive Stufe Liste

Helldivers 2: Panzerpassive Stufe Liste

Autor : Sarah Aktualisieren : Feb 18,2025

Helldivers 2 Rüstung Passive: Eine umfassende Leitfaden & Tierliste

Helldivers 2 kategorisiert die Rüstung in leichte, mittlere und schwere und beeinflusste Mobilität und Verteidigung. Der echte Game-Changer liegt jedoch in den Panzerpassiven-kraftvolle Vorteile verändern das Gameplay erheblich. Dieser Leitfaden bietet einen vollständigen Überblick über alle Passive und eine Tierliste, um Ihre Loadouts zu optimieren.

Alle Panzerpasses in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 verfügt derzeit über 14 Panzerpassive (zum Zeitpunkt dieser Schrift). Diese Passive sind an Körperpanzer gebunden; Helme und Umhänge bieten keine zusätzlichen Boni. Die Auswahl des richtigen Passiven ist entscheidend für die Anpassung an Missionsprobleme und die Maximierung der Wirksamkeit.

Armor PassiveDescription
Acclimated50% resistance to acid, electrical, fire, and gas damage.
Advanced Filtration80% resistance to gas damage.
Democracy Protects50% chance to survive lethal attacks (e.g., headshots); prevents chest injuries (e.g., internal bleeding).
Electrical Conduit95% resistance to lightning arc damage.
Engineering Kit+2 grenade capacity; 30% recoil reduction while crouching or prone.
Extra Padding+50 armor rating.
Fortified50% resistance to explosive damage; 30% recoil reduction while crouching or prone.
Inflammable75% resistance to fire damage.
Med-Kit+2 stim capacity; +2 seconds additional stim duration.
Peak Physique100% increased melee damage; improved weapon handling (reduced weapon movement drag).
Scout30% reduced enemy detection range; map markers generate radar scans.
Servo-Assisted30% increased throwing range; 50% additional limb health.
Siege-Ready30% increased primary weapon reload speed; 30% increased primary weapon ammo capacity.
Unflinching95% reduced recoil flinching.

Helldivers 2 Armor Passive Stufe Liste (Version 1.002.003)

Diese Tierliste bewertet Passive basierend auf Gesamtwert, Nutzen und Effektivität zwischen verschiedenen Missionen und feindlichen Typen.

TierArmor PassiveWhy?
SEngineering KitExtra grenades are invaluable for various tasks: sealing bug holes, destroying fabricators, and utilizing powerful grenades like Thermites.
Med-KitSignificantly improves survivability, especially when combined with the Experimental Infusion booster, effectively allowing for near-death recovery.
Siege-ReadySubstantially enhances ammo capacity and reload speed, crucial for handling large enemy groups, particularly with high-ammo consumption weapons.
ADemocracy ProtectsProvides strong early-game defense, increasing survival against lethal attacks.
Extra PaddingOffers consistent damage resistance.
FortifiedExtremely effective against Automatons, mitigating damage from rockets and enhancing weapon effectiveness against heavily armored enemies.
Servo-AssistedParticularly useful against Terminids, allowing for safer stratagem deployment and mitigating damage from claw attacks.
BPeak PhysiqueWhile beneficial for melee combat, melee combat is generally avoided, and alternatives exist for handling mobile enemies.
InflammableSituational but highly effective with fire-based builds, especially against fire-vulnerable enemies and in environments with fire hazards.
ScoutUseful for revealing enemy positions, but limited in its overall impact compared to other passives.
CAcclimatedOffers limited value as you rarely encounter all four elemental damage types simultaneously in a single mission.
Advanced FiltrationOnly beneficial for gas-focused builds, and even then, its impact is relatively minor.
Electrical ConduitPrimarily useful against the Illuminate, but other options generally offer superior benefits.
UnflinchingMinimal impact on combat effectiveness.

Diese Informationen sollten Ihnen dabei helfen, fundierte Entscheidungen bei der Auswahl von Rüstungspassiven in Helldivers 2 zu treffen, was zu einem verbesserten Überlebens- und Missionserfolg führt. Denken Sie daran, Ihre Auswahl an der spezifischen Mission und den feindlichen Typen anzupassen, denen Sie begegnen.