Application Description
Tend: Your all-in-one solution for convenient healthcare. Access medical services nationwide through online or in-clinic appointments. Need a quick consultation? Book with the next available GP online. Prefer a face-to-face appointment? Visit one of Tend's Auckland clinics.
Tend offers comprehensive care, including general medical services, prescription refills, medical certificates, and specialist referrals. Manage your health easily with secure messaging, online prescription ordering, and access to your test results, all within the app. Download the Tend app today and prioritize your well-being.
Key Features of Tend:
- Online and in-clinic appointments
- Nationwide same-day care available
- Open 7 days a week until 9 pm
- Instant access to next available appointment
- Secure messaging with your care team
- No extra charge for evening and weekend appointments
User Tips:
- For urgent care, use the "next available GP" online option.
- Book appointments online at your convenience.
- Use secure messaging to communicate with your care team and ask follow-up questions.
- Access your test results and appointment notes within the app to stay informed.
Tend simplifies healthcare access. Choose from online appointments or in-person clinic visits to find the option that best suits your needs. Enjoy a seamless experience with secure messaging and instant appointment booking. Download the Tend app now and experience the future of healthcare.
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