Home News Bitlife: How to Complete the King of the Court Challenge

Bitlife: How to Complete the King of the Court Challenge

Author : Dylan Update : Feb 20,2025

Conquer Bitlife's King of the Court Challenge: A Comprehensive Guide

The King of the Court challenge in Bitlife is here, running for four days starting January 11th! This guide will walk you through each step to becoming the ultimate King.

Challenge Requirements:

  • Be born male in Japan.
  • Become volleyball team captain.
  • Transform an enemy into your best friend.
  • Visit the gym 10+ times.
  • Take a vacation to Brazil.

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Japanese Male Birth:

Begin by creating a male character in Japan. The specific city doesn't matter. If you own the premium pack, selecting "Athleticism" as a special talent will provide a significant advantage.

2. Volleyball Captain:

Once your character starts school, actively participate in extracurricular activities to boost their athleticism. Join the volleyball team via the School > Activities menu. Regularly select "Practice Harder" to improve your performance and increase your odds of becoming captain. Patience and a little luck are key here.

3. Enemy to Best Friend:

Befriend a classmate. Then, navigate to the Relationships section, select their name, and change their status to "Enemy." Next, shower them with gifts to improve your relationship. Continue this process until your friendship bar is full, then change their status back to "Best Friends" in the Relationships menu.

4. Gym Rat:

This is straightforward. Go to Activities > Mind & Body > Gym and complete ten gym visits.

5. Brazilian Getaway:

Finally, locate the "Vacation" option under Activities. Select Brazil as your destination. The class of travel doesn't affect the challenge, but you'll need sufficient funds.

By following these steps, you'll successfully complete the King of the Court challenge and claim your victory! Remember, consistency and a bit of in-game luck will be your allies.