訊息 地獄2:照明的最佳負載


作者 : Carter 更新 : Feb 23,2025





Laser Cannon Loadout

PrimaryPLAS-1 Scorcher / PLAS-101 PurifierExcellent against Overseers, including Elevated units, and Voteless. Siege-Ready passive crucial.
SecondaryGP-31 Grenade PistolPowerful combo with Eagle Strafing Run for destroying warp ships.
GrenadeG-13 Incendiary ImpactEffective chaff clearing.
Armor PassiveSiege-ReadyIncreased ammo and faster reloads.
StratagemsLAS-98 Laser Cannon (Support)Melts Overseers and Harvesters. Excellent range.
AX/AR-23 "Guard Dog"Effective against medium-armored Overseers, excellent flank protection.
Eagle Strafing RunEssential for stripping warp ship shields.
A/MG-43 Machine Gun Sentry / Orbital LaserArea denial (Sentry) or anti-Harvester (Laser). Orbital Laser vital on higher difficulties.

PLAS-1 SCORCHER/PURIFIER的高DPS結合攻城彈藥的增強,可確保優先目標的持續參與。 Eagle Strafing Run和GP-31手榴彈手槍組合迅速禁用並摧毀了經線。 AX/AR-23“護衛犬”提供了出色的側麵覆蓋範圍。 LAS-98激光大炮的範圍和損壞是針對照明的,尤其是收割機(在掃射後)。選擇軌道激光器,以使多個收割機具有更高的難度水平。


Lightning Loadout

PrimaryARC-12 BlitzerEffective against both melee and ranged units.
SecondaryGP-31 Grenade PistolFor warp ship destruction (with Eagle Strafing Run).
GrenadeG-13 Incendiary ImpactChaff clearing.
Armor PassiveElectrical Conduit / Med-KitConduit boosts lightning damage; Med-Kit for survivability.
StratagemsARC-3 Arc Thrower (Support)Chains and staggers Overseers, particularly effective against Elevated units. Can damage Harvesters.
Orbital Railcannon Strike / Orbital LaserAnti-heavy support. Railcannon for unshielded targets; Laser for multiple Harvesters (after Strafing Run).
Eagle Strafing RunEssential for weakening warp ships.
A/ARC-3 Tesla TowerExcellent crowd control, especially against flying Overseers.

這種負載利用鏈閃電效應來控製戰場。 Arc-12閃電戰和Arc-3電弧throter Excel消除了穀殼和令人驚歎的監督者。 A/Arc-3 Tesla塔提供一致的人群控製。切記使用Eagle Strafing Run和GP-31手榴彈手槍來應對翹曲。根據您的重型單位需求,選擇軌道軌道罷工或軌道激光器。


Machine Gun Loadout

PrimaryStA-52 Assault RifleHigh sustained fire, effective against light and medium armor.
SecondaryGP-31 Grenade Pistol / CQC-19 Stun LanceWarp ship destruction (GP-31) or close-quarters control (Stun Lance).
GrenadeG-13 Incendiary ImpactChaff clearing.
Armor PassivePeak Physique / Engineering KitPeak Physique for maneuverability; Engineering Kit for recoil reduction.
StratagemsMG-43 Machine Gun (Support)Versatile and effective against a wide range of enemies, including Harvesters.
LIFT-850 Jump PackIncreased mobility for repositioning and map navigation.
Orbital Railcannon Strike / Orbital LaserAnti-heavy support. Railcannon for unshielded targets; Laser for multiple Harvesters.
A/MG-43 Machine Gun Sentry / A/G-16 Gatling SentryCrowd control and objective defense.

這種負載重點是持續的火力。 MG-43機槍的多功能性使其非常適合各種敵人類型。 Lift-850跳板可增強移動性,以補償武器的固定裝置。根據您喜歡的遊戲風格選擇哨兵。選擇軌道軌道撞擊或軌道激光器進行重型單位支撐。 STA-52突擊步槍提供一致的傷害輸出。
