Home News Dragon Quest III Remake: Essential Tips for Success

Dragon Quest III Remake: Essential Tips for Success

Author : Anthony Update : Feb 02,2025

Mastering Dragon Quest III: HD-2D Remake: Essential Early-Game Strategies

For fans of classic JRPGs, Dragon Quest III: HD-2D Remake is a nostalgic trip back to the series' roots. However, its old-school difficulty requires strategic planning. Here are some tips to aid your quest to vanquish Baramos:

Navigate the Personality Test Wisely

The Hero begins the personality test  in Dragon Quest III: HD-2D Remake.

Screenshot captured by The Escapist
The initial personality quiz from “She Who Watches Over All” dictates your hero's stat growth. While personality changes are possible with specific accessories, restarting for your preferred stats is simpler. The optimal personality, "Vamp," is exclusive to female heroes.

Customize Your Party for Success

In Aliahan, bypass Patty's pre-set party. On the second floor, create a custom team, selecting classes unavailable from Patty and allocating stats and influencing personalities for superior party members. Crucially, always include a Priest for essential healing.

Acquire Powerful Early-Game Weapons

The party uses a boomerang to attack enemies  in Dragon Quest III: HD-2D Remake.

Screenshot captured by The Escapist
Early-game equipment is costly, so securing powerful weapons is vital. Locate the Boomerang (Dreamer's Tower, third floor chest) and the Thorn Whip (Aliahan well, requires two Mini Medals from Morgan Minimann). These multi-target weapons are incredibly beneficial for the Hero and a strength-based character (Warrior or Martial Artist).

Enable "Follow Orders" for Party Control

Unlike modern RPGs, Dragon Quest III: HD-2D Remake initially restricts party control to AI. Access the Tactics menu during combat and switch party behavior to "Follow Orders" for direct control over your team's actions.

Stock Up on Chimaera Wings

The Hero acquires a Boomerang in Dragon Quest III: HD-2D Remake.

Screenshot captured by The Escapist
Early enemies inflict significant damage. Fast travel is unavailable until acquiring the Zoom spell (around Hero level 8). Until then, keep Chimaera Wings (25 gold each) for quick escapes and preventing party wipeouts.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is available on PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and Nintendo Switch.