Embark on an exciting adventure in Moonlakes, unraveling clues to a captivating mystery while designing stunning houses! Young designers Phoebe and Matt have purchased a home in this quaint town, aiming to renovate and sell it for profit. However, their journey is far from predictable!
In My Estate Quest, you'll solve the mysteries of this unique place: all roads lead to Moonlakes! Explore the bustling Port with its treasure-laden ships, the vibrant Downtown brimming with engaging events and activities, and the Lighthouse, the starting point for Phoebe and Matt's many new adventures. This is just the beginning!
Appreciate the diverse architecture and interior designs of each house. You can even decorate some to your liking! Every corner of Moonlakes holds unique artifacts. Collect unusual items – you never know which one Phoebe and Matt might need!
Complete quests to advance Phoebe and Matt's story and uncover the central mystery of Moonlakes! Meet friendly neighbors and locals eager to share their favorite spots. But are they revealing the whole truth about the town?
Phoebe and Matt have arrived! Join them and help revitalize the town by solving its mysteries and delighting the locals with your elegant interior designs.
My Estate Quest のようなゲーム